Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ahhhhhhh! Been away so long!

Ooooooo. How long has it been since I updated? Too long. Way to long.

The speakers on our computer died, so unfortunately, I have had to put my learning Arabic on hold. :(

Everything else hasn't slowed down. Um...what have I done? Oh, my mind is whirling, where to start, so much to catch ppl up on.

Um, first, I'm dating again. I had stopped for a few years because I gave up on finding a life-long mate. I have a new approach: have fun. I think I was a little too pushy before. I'm more laid back, now.

Second, I have started writing again. An original novel, plus a fan fiction series. (Star Trek/Buffy/Resident Evil - yep, I'm a nerd).

Went and watch the new Resident Evil. I love it! I think the movies are just as awesome as the games. I personally love Alice, and I was angry when the movies came out that they didn't have the original people in it, but then I found out how much it cost to even have one original RE character from the games over. Well, I knew it was selfish of me (and the rest of the fans) to demand original game characters. I grew up and took it like a true fan - enjoy the movies, and not whine about how my fave character didn't make it in - unless, of course, I was willing to pony up the money. (Rebecca's my fave, by the way. *Sniff*. She isn't even in the rest of the games! Ahhh *wail* Okay, I'm better.)


Sewing again. Maybe I'll finish that teddy bear for my sister I promised her a few years ago?

Stopped exercising. Maybe I should start again.

My new place is almost finished. I can move in soon! Yippee!

Love everyone who comes along to the blog!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well, I think I'm bored with my life right now. Seriously.

Tash wants me to bake her some brownies, so I have that to look forward to. Yayness ^^ I make them with Fry's cocoa. I've never tried anything else. Maybe I should? Just to shake things up?

Everything I write turns out to be crap, except for fan fiction stuff. How lame is that? Or maybe I just don't like my ideas. (I whine whine whine)

I think I'll go listen to Korean Music. Girl Generation! They are the best. Put them on and make me brownies.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Just Updating

I haven't wrote anything in a long while, so here I am. My has finally been updated. Instead of one story, its two. Ooooo. Also, I changed my name form Cadao.Osperus to plain old Osperus. I like the name. Means pickled fish.


Actually, not really. I just like the word.

Getting back into my exercise routine. I was a size 22 in the beginning of this year. Now I'm a sixteen. My aim is size six. I'm getting there!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

We all struggle with something in our lives. I believe we struggle with a mountain of things others probably don't even notice. Well, here are two things I struggle with: my heart and my weight.

For the majority of my life I could not exercise because of my heart, and so I became quite obese despite eating healthy. I was eating too much for someone who did too little (and was very small), and I tried my best not to eat. I thought the less I ate, the better I was going to be. Well, a few years ago I hit size 22. I don't do scales or pounds, so I don't know how much I weighed, but if you want to guess it I am 4 foot 11.

The reason I don't do pounds is I know someone who is an athlete will weigh the same or more than someone who is just fatty. The athlete has more muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Or at least, that is my understanding.

But this post is not suppose to be about facts regarding weight management, and how much one person weighs compared to another. That isn't important here. What is important, is that when I reached that size, I was told by my doctor my heart had finally healed from the trauma it had endured when I was four. Actually, he told me it was healthier than most people at my age! Can you imagine my surprise? I wasn't very active and I was told constantly that if you just lazed around then you're going to die young.

Which isn't necessarily true, but it is no contest on who has a better life - the ones who take care of themselves or the ones who don't? Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. I guess I was one of them in the health department, though I can tell you my life wasn't very fun. I had always wanted to run, or even walk quickly.

My doctor then told me something I didn't even know. I could have children. My heart would have gave out by the third trimester, and both me and child would have died. He thought I had known this since he told my mother, but she didn't tell me or my Dad, or anyone! It was good news, for sure, I just didn't know it was an issue.

So that was a really good thing to hear. If my body could go through pregnancy than I could begin working out, right? I could lose my inches, and finally be a size 6!
Unfortunately, you cannot combat 14 years of being told you cannot stress your heart by suddenly saying you can stress it out.

I tried in vain to begin an exercise program for the past three or four years. (I can't remember the last time I saw the heart specialist.) I would quit everytime I began since I tried to do far to much. For about a week I would do situps, pushups, and walking every day. Then I would stop because I was afraid my heart would give out. I knew the doctor had told me I could, but I was terrified of it stopping. I was frightened throughout my childhood that the stupid thing would quit while I was sleeping, forget when it was working really hard! I also quit because doing all that everyday when you hadn't done anything is extremely tiring. That is why you do it three times a week at the most. Walking you can do everyday.

I ended up in the hospital with the flue last year. I was told it was the regular flue, and I really had nothing to worry about from that. BUT, they kept me for almost a week. And it wasn't because of the flue. It was because I was so dehydrated, they put me on IV. It pumped water and salt into me constantly. I also had a dangerously low amount of, well, everything. Crash course!

This was a wake-up call for me. I had to shape up. I spent my whole life limiting what I ate and drank so I could be healthy. Now I was dangerously close to dying from doing so. Even though they were giving me so much, I had to drink, drink, drink. At first I drank only a little and the pickline did most of it. But as the week wore on I drank more and they slowly brought down the IV's amount it was giving me. It also had the unintentional side effect of giving me more exercise, as I had to run to the bathroom. I almost gave up right then, thinking, 'how can people live like this?!'. I was used to going to the washroom rarely.

When I got home I began small. I drank more. That was it. Then I slowly increased my food intake.

Two months ago I began to exercise. Nothing drastic. I walked up and down our driveway once a day. We live in the country, so this was a five minute walk. Not much.

But I steadily lengthened the walk. One round up and down the driveway, then two. Now I walk to the corner of the block and back to the house - a twenty minute walk, twice a day. Last month I added stretches to the mix, something I should have done at the get-go but I had what my dad calls a brain fart - you knew it should be done but it didn't occur to you that you should do it.

I was a size 22 when this year started. I was a size 22 two months ago. But today I am a size 18, a size I hadn't been since I was 18. I am now 23.

If you take anything from this post, I hope you take this : it is not too late to change something you thought you could never change. I thought I was to die very young from my heart. I feared I wouldn't see my late teens. No one had said this, I had just assumed. After all, how far can someone go if they can't even walk fast without fear of their heart failing? Now look at what I am doing!

I am losing my inches. But best of all, my heart is going to be stronger than it was. I plan on living a long time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Noir Died

If you've come across Our Mosaic before, then you know we have tons of the felines. We may gripe about them from time to time, and it is true we are looking for homes for them.

Yesterday we lost one.

His name was Noir, and he was gentle, quiet, and very much kept to himself. Another cat had gone after him, biting him on the legs, tail and balls. We don't know why. Noir was the oddest cat we had - he never fought, and the only time he got up in someone's face was to purr. Perhaps yet another cat was dropped off and didn't like him getting close. I don't think any of the other cats would have done this to him, not without an actual fight. He had no defensive wounds. None of the other cats had any new wounds. (I say new because Dante likes to get into fights with Teal'C.). It seems to me he only got injured while running away.

We called the vet but was told there was nothing to do except keep him warm and hope he pulls through.

We did as the vet told us to. We cleaned his wounds, wrapped him in a warm towel, and kept him inside. He didn't move much, and he didn't lose a lot of blood, at least not in the house. We've looked for the fight area, but we have yet to find it. We can't find any blood and it doesn't look like he dragged himself.

So we don't understand. Why was he injured? It doesn't make sense.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This is sad but very important. You need to watch this.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hey fellow Canadians! Tax! (Argggg). Well, I came across this nifty little article on what many don't realize is deductible.

Okay, I'm done for now.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Racism is something I despise. So this video is quite nice, especially since it says we are all the same race anyway, so stop being such an idiot and accept you aren't better than someone with a different color.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Video

I just had to share this video! Her name is Chimamanda Adichie, and I think her talk is wonderful as she speaks about the value of not jumping to conclusions just because you hear one version of the story over and over. She also touches on her childhood, and her writing.

J.K. Rowling Inspirational Speech Harvard 2008

Here is another video, this time on imagination, goals, and life for humans. I agree with J.K. on so many levels.

Mars Talk

I love Mars! Here is a video, it was filmed in 2009, and it is a talk about life on Mars - did it happen, how it could have happened, and if there is life there now. The presenter is Joel Levine

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Born Kitten!

Uggggggg. One of the wild cats that found there way into our house gave birth to a kittens! It is her first litter (she was born in our construction zone last year)and she abandoned the first kitten to continue the birthing process. She refused to come get it, so after a night of nursing we tried to give it back to her. That was very risky - she could have killed it, but we did not have the time or resources to feed the kitten. She accepted him without fuss, though she wasn't too impressed we knew where she was - in our living room, of all things. She gave birth under a table, behind some boxes. We have yet to complete our house (thanks crap economy) in her defense it doesn't look like humans live there - it basically is a storage room with a TV and video games.

Still, we are there all day and most of the night, so I'm not really sure what went on in her head.

I'm glad our cats are gentle and curious, but not so curious as to go near her.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We have cats. Lots of cats. They also like to play with my glasses. For the last year I have been using my subscription sunglasses because I couldn't find my regular.

I found them. The little demons had hid them in a pathway behind boxes, boxes, and more boxes. (Our house is always in construction, because my father says yes to helping people. We haven't finished since he got the permit years and years ago...I wonder, do you need to renew permits if you never finished?)

So yes, I can see again without the darkness! Yay! Par-tay!

I am also closer than ever to getting my bedroom. I can't wait! Of course, I might move out before the room is completed...

I can live with that.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Women Atheists

I was reading comments on the Friendly Atheist, and someone made a point that most Atheists that are 'out there' are male, older, and not really-run-of-the-mill. This was in response to Julia Sweeny getting married and dropping the 'atheist label'.

He or she asked to think of an atheist, I'm presuming in the public sphere.

I thought of two females right of the bat, and both are normal women who left because it was healthy for them to do so - at least from what I understand. I don't know them, so you can't really take what I say as truth, just my opinion.

One is 'the Whore of All The Earth', a reference to 1 NEPHI 14:10, which says any woman who isn't with the Church is a whore. Her real name is Leah Elliot and she is a blogger.

The other is ZOMGitsCriss. Her name is Cristina Rad, and she is a Youtuber. Both are brilliant but normal, both are female, and both are not old.

Oh, and then there's us, but we're not famous enough to count. We're both female, young (23 and 18 to be exact) and Atheists.

Am I normal? Well, my imagination is quite, erm... elaborate :).

Let's not get into that.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Palm Reading

I like learning about people's beliefs. I've learnt many things along way, including palm reading. It is a fascinating art, one which tells you what you already know, and if you like hands you can see many different ones!

I tried reading my own today, and it was actually dead on. My mom read hers and even though she denied it, it was pretty much dead center as well.

Do I believe that palm reading can tell the future? Not any more so than if you thought back to what you did, then made predictions about what you will do according to what you have done. Keeping a diary and reading it to discover what you will do would work just as well.

But it wouldn't be as fun.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Youtube is Allowing Illegal Activity While Banning Fully Legal Videos

You probably know this, but for quite some time Youtube has been a coward. Or perhaps just a bigot, I'm not too sure.

It has to do with Creation Science. These Christians don't like it when someone proves they are wrong. Instead of talking about it, they claim that the Atheist - yes, videos that they would never make let alone own - are their property to get them off Youtube. And Youtube is allowing it.

So why should you care if you aren't an Atheist? When they are done with our videos, where do you think they are going to go? That's right, they will start in on another group that opposes their world view. That means if you are not a Conservative Christian, your account could be banned.

Think I'm making a leap? If they successfully continue doing what they are doing, they will know they can get away with it for anything.

They will go after other Christians if it gets so bad they can silence anyone.

Do you believe in reincarnation? They don't. They see those videos as offensive. Do you want to keep those videos up there? Then help us stop them - stop them from being bullies.

I want a Youtube where I can watch videos - not be forced fed one version of Christianity. It isn't that far off unless we do something about it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This Is Me

There are many things I love about being Canadian. Four distinct seasons and wide open spaces are only two things in a long list about why Canada is one of the best countries to live in. (Still, I'm in love with Australia and New Zealand. I at least want to visit them before I die)

Since becoming an Atheist I learned about how religion plays roles in other countries. It horrifies me. I never thought about it before, as religion doesn't play a part in how my life is run in Canada - certainly not by law.

The best thing about Canada is religious freedom. It amazes me how many rights are taken away in far too many countries just for not being one with the crowd. It is so foreign. I don't have to worry about my rights being taken away simply because I don't believe in Ra or Luna, or any other god or goddess.

I am lucky I was born in a country where my journey could be navigated by me, and not by anyone else. I was born, raised Christian, and in an attempt to get closer to God read the Bible. Well, tried to. I read all of the NT, and bits of the OT. I decided the Bible was wrote by men, and had no divine hand at all. I still believed in a higher being though, so I went searching for a religion that fit what my parents had told me about God. Strangely, it was the one religion that Christianity spoke out against that fit the bill: Wicca. I became a self-proclaimed Wiccan, only to discover magic didn't work, and anyway, I was really just going around in circles.

At 21, I was tired of trying to make everything fit. But I decided to try one last thing. Sylvia Brown! Everything she said made sense. I remembered bits from her books (like when you in heaven and such) but I read one line that made me rethink the whole thing. It said insects are not in heaven.

Let me get this straight, I thought, God made us, all creatures, and he loves us and we will join him. All will live and work together in heaven. Lions with deer, Elephants with coyotes. But no insects?! Insects are alive, and they are creatures. I also remember them in heaven. I've done research on memory and come to the conclusion I remembered 'heaven' because I wanted to.

Throughout my whole journey I had been reading up on science. Evolution really held my interest. Far from what most creationist say, I loved evolution because I thought it confirmed God existed. He's the perfect father, right? Patience is a key element of that - and evolution is never finished.

After Sylvia Brown, though, I really looked at the world around me. What did I see?

Well, nothing different actually. I just removed intelligent design from the equation, and you know what, for the first time in my life I understood.

Fast forward two years, and what you have is me. I tried to be Wiccan for most of the last two years because I felt I needed something, (and when I was little I was more Wiccan than Christian) but a few weeks ago I realized I didn't need the security blanket anymore.

There are many things I love about Canada. Oddly, freedom wasn't on my list. Now it's at the top.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We let Tigger off his leash, and the silly doggie has ran away. We can't find him, but Tash thinks someone might have picked him up since there are no paw prints leading away from the yard. But....why would someone take our dog?! And why would he go with them?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Snippet of Life

The house is eerily quiet, and I am trying to decide on whether or not to put on music. Maybe I'll play the Sims. Tash and Steph are with mom at the store. Dad's at work. Tigger's not howling and barking at the cats.




Wow, my day's going by slowly. I've accomplished everything I wanted to do except play the Sims, (and write a blog post, which I am doing obviously because you'll read it when I'm done). Perhaps I'll study my Japanese. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Okay. Here I go. No more procrastination. I want to write, so I am going to write. I'm not sure what I am going to write, but I will write. This is me writing. Anyone else seeing a delima here? Yeah, all I'm putting down is I will write. So what should I commit to my blog?

Thoughts wrap themselves around my brain, getting tangled together hopelessly, and then my brain wants to sort them out but can't so I end up freezing. In short: writer's block.

Hated, dreaded, despised writer's block.

(How many times will I write 'write' in this post?)

I just paused to lock my hands together and stare at the keyboard. I need to shake myself out of this prison, this unable-to-writeness.

Gosh, now I'm cold.

Probably should go to bed.


Huh. Twisting my hands seems to be the only thing I can really do right now. My mind is blank, or rather, it doesn't know what to do.

I could complain, but who wants to read that? I could do an amusing story, but then, I'd be to nervous to post it.

12:27 am.


Glah blah! :P

That was me sticking my tongue out while being crossed-eyed, if you didn't know.

Well, I guess this wasn't a long post, but hey, I did one, so we're good.

NOTE: I did no editing. Laugh all you want at my mistakes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just An Update On What I'm Doing

Good morning whoever. I've decided to do an update on the random things in my life, just to help me get in the groove of blogging everyday.

After my whine yesterday I actually managed to get some of my fic written. Isn't that exciting. Probably not to you.

A week of so ago, the guy who built our computer took it back because it needed some serious fixing. So me and my co-blogger have been working off of a temporary computer. It is actually very frustrating despite it having been an excellently running computer. The other people in the household have the nerve to use the family (temp) computer. Maybe I should get my own.

Wait. No. I can't. Because of the goddamn recession I am getting FOUR HOURS EVERY TWO WEEKS. Anna informed me that if people would just part with their fucking money we wouldn't be in this mess. If you think about it, it makes sense.

Okay. While I'm in an angry-ish mood, cats. Oh, cats how I hate thee. Back in January 2009, I decided to get myself one cat. Now, a year later, we have fucking 19 and it's straining the money train and with the renovations going on in the house, it is frustrating. Worse than that, nobody wants to take any of them away! My younger sister is going to post an ad on Kijiji...

On a happier note, I've been wired on Left 4 Dead since I bought the first game, so naturally, I've been reading, writing and watching all things L4D; I happen to come across a hilarious YouTube channel Left 4 Dead Addicts. It's funny and worth watching. Not recommended for younger people.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fan Fiction

I've been working on this fan fiction for Left 4 Dead. I've been working my ass on it and it is slowly coming along. But it doesn't seem to matter how long I spend on it I cannot seem to get the fucking chapter together. It's not like I have writers block. Or would having the whole chapter planned out and not being able to write it count? I don't know.

Anyway, I've got ten reviews, all positive on what I have posted. You'd think this would be enough motivation. I think it is lack of confidence. I read other fics and they are so much better in terms of writing ability and they seem to be able to keep them more in character and it kind of discouraging to me. Also I'm worried about whether or not my readers are going to like it.

I think I should just suck it up and write the goddamn thing.

Instead of doing this.

Click here if you wanna read it.

Monday, January 4, 2010


All my fictional works will go onto my other blog from now on.