Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just An Update On What I'm Doing

Good morning whoever. I've decided to do an update on the random things in my life, just to help me get in the groove of blogging everyday.

After my whine yesterday I actually managed to get some of my fic written. Isn't that exciting. Probably not to you.

A week of so ago, the guy who built our computer took it back because it needed some serious fixing. So me and my co-blogger have been working off of a temporary computer. It is actually very frustrating despite it having been an excellently running computer. The other people in the household have the nerve to use the family (temp) computer. Maybe I should get my own.

Wait. No. I can't. Because of the goddamn recession I am getting FOUR HOURS EVERY TWO WEEKS. Anna informed me that if people would just part with their fucking money we wouldn't be in this mess. If you think about it, it makes sense.

Okay. While I'm in an angry-ish mood, cats. Oh, cats how I hate thee. Back in January 2009, I decided to get myself one cat. Now, a year later, we have fucking 19 and it's straining the money train and with the renovations going on in the house, it is frustrating. Worse than that, nobody wants to take any of them away! My younger sister is going to post an ad on Kijiji...

On a happier note, I've been wired on Left 4 Dead since I bought the first game, so naturally, I've been reading, writing and watching all things L4D; I happen to come across a hilarious YouTube channel Left 4 Dead Addicts. It's funny and worth watching. Not recommended for younger people.

1 comment:

  1. I put you through a translator lol so sorry if it wasn't what you said...

    Yeah, staying calm would be a good idea. Trying lol.
