Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twilight and Why the Argument Around it Bugs Me

I do not like romance stories. In fact, I find them boring. I prefer stories like Lethal Weapon, the Terminators, and I also like mysteries, like Murder She Wrote, or science fiction - Doctor Who, Star Trek.

So Twilight isn't something I really would like to read or watch. I read the first book anyway after watching the movie. My sister bought it, and no, I wasn't forced to watch. I was impressed with the music, the acting could have been better but it wasn't bad, and yeah, the vampires sparkled. All in all, I didn't like it for one simple reason: I'm not into romance.

Now, if you don't like Twilight, good for you. If you think it's okay, power of freedom! If you love it, excellent! But why, those of you who hate it, do you have to tear it down so much?

I am tired of hearing how it has no story to it. Pardon? Did you actually read the book or books? If you did then you would know it has story, lots of story. Not only is the story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, but it is also about a young girl who has to get used to being in a new school, living with a parent she barely sees, and oh yeah, moving to a different state. The story of Twilight also encompasses the emotions of family, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. So what exactly is non-story here? I mean, really. Read the damn book or books before you spout nonsense.

Second thing I'm sick of hearing: vampires don't sparkle. Actually, they do. It is written into the story.

Seriously, if you have a problem with vampires sparkling, then you have to find fault with vampires being intelligent, attractive, and looking like humans. Check out vampires - they are NOTHING like the vampires you seem to be in love with. Sparkling is the newest change, and the least 'worrisome'.

Third thing that bugs me: Bella has no personality. Um, yeah she does, actually, she has likes, dislikes, flaws, and things she's good at. She has her own speech pattern, and her own way of dressing. She is independent, not really spontaneous, and she cooks. Guess what? This makes up her personality. If you want to know her more, then read the books.

Fourth thing: people whining about how the vampires should be eating humans and leaving the animals alone. Warning bells! Not all animals are human, but humans ARE animals. Forgetting that little thing for the moment, let's look at this.

Would you really want the blood of a murderer flowing through your veins? Or a rapist? A child molester? I mean, the thought of even touching those monsters makes my stomach turn - yes, they should be punished; yes they need to be put away, but really, eat them? I wouldn't want the taste of a torturer in my mouth.

As for the 'innocent animals being eaten' - what kind of drugs are you on? Obviously you know nothing of animals. Even deers aren't gentle sweet creatures - deers are deadly wild animals. Just because they turn tail instead of fighting does not mean they are defenseless or weak. Just because they are beautiful does not mean they cannot kill you.

Before you spout things, do some research. And for fuck sake, if you are going to bash a story, READ IT FIRST.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention most people EAT the ANIMALS anyway lol. Good points, and I agree. I personally don't like vampires sparkling, but what the fuck? Who cares. She made 'em original and that is good! It's her story, not mine haha.
