Sunday, December 27, 2009


My sister, Nicki, and I were talking last night about our childhoods. I can't remember why exactly we got on the topic, but it made me dwell on my own memories long after the conversation was over.

Christmas has always been special to me. It was the one of two times a year I felt like I was part of a family. The gifts were great. The food was better (my dad is the best cook ever, he mixes things you wouldn't think of, and the recipes are never duplicatable), but the best part was . . . no fighting! Clean house! We actually ate at the table, and together.

My most vivid memories are always around the Christmas tree, or the table. The tree would give the living room a gentle glow. I never really wanted to unwrap the presents. If I did the picture would be ruined. We always did, of course, and somehow my older brother, Adam, gave the best gifts every year.

As I've mentioned, Christmas was one of the times we all sat at the table. Adam carried the conversation along, talking about anything and everything, and Dad would make us laugh (or my mother groan, like the one year he taught us to sick our tongues out with mashed taters on them) and Mom would complain about the cheese in everything, and well . . . it was Christmas. :)

The only memory I don't like about Christmas was the few years where Mom and Dad dragged us kids out of the house to look at Christmas decorations. I really didn't care if Red Deer was alight with Christmas. It was great to look at as long as it wasn't the sole purpose of leaving the house. Then we kids got cranky.

Now that I'm older, my perception of Christmas has changed. I really love the outdoor decorations now. Gifts are no longer wished for. And the, the music.

I hate Christmas Carols simply because they are never ending. There are only so many times you can hear Jingle Bells without wanting to take bells and smack them over the head of whoever wrote the song.

I also am tired of hearing the loud Christians whine about how Christmas is ruined. The only ones ruining it are the Christians that shout how its being ruined.

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