Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally, A Post!!!

Hi, there. I've been one of the bloggers on this pretty much since it started, and finally, I'm writing a damn post.

At first, I was thinking, "Well, what the hell am I going to blog?" Then I started getting what I referred to as 'BlogFear', of which is when one is in a state that they have a blog, but are seriously afraid of some idiot flaming them. But than Zackie and I discussed it and I am now pretty much cured of BlogFear.

So what exactly is this crazy chick blogging about?

I've got three things I wanna tell you.

9 out of every 10 mating pairs of giraffes are male. Yup, giraffes are a very gay species. :D

40% of cats are left-pawed, 40% are ambidextrous and the final 20% are right-pawed.

The Andrews Sisters were the first all-girl group to have sold a million records, and through-out their career had sold over 90 million records.

So there you have it. My first contribution to Our Mosaic!

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